Visit the Church-in-the-Field Charity for information about the Trustees, and funds
The Church was built around 1620 at the instruction of Sir Edward Hext, as the private chapel of the Lord of the Manor, and is on the site of an earlier Church.
In 1645 the building suffered damage during the battle of Langport, one of the most significant battles of the Civil War, which was fought nearby. Hext’s grandson, George Stawell, had the building repaired and subsequently consecrated in 1669. In 1921 the Church was given in trust to the Church of England. The Manor House built nearby was demolished many years ago. The Church is Grade 1 listed and is considered a unique example of early Gothicism in England. Unfortunately time has taken its toll and the fabric of the Church is in need of restoration.
The Church- in-the Field Charitable Association (CFCA) was formed in 1990 and its purpose is to raise funds for the repair and maintenance of the Church. The charity does this by organising local events, receiving donations and by seeking grants from other organisations. All the Charity's trustees and workers are volunteers, and we are fortunate in having David Heath CBE as our Patron.
The Church-in-the-Field is an historically and architecturally important building and in 2013 the Churches Conservation Trust (CCT) was approached to take on the responsibility of the significant repairs required to make the building water tight, safe and to continue to improve and restore the many interesting features both externally and internally. The Churches Conservation Trust is a national charity that protects churches at risk, caring for the churches vested to them by the Church Commissioners of the Church of England. Following consultation between the CCT, the Bath & Wells Diocese and the Church Commissioners, the church was vested to the CCT on 1st June, 2017.
More details of the CCT and the work they do can be found on their website.
We are delighted that the CCT is now able to carry out the refurbishment work and a timetable of work s is currently being compiled. The church will, of course, be closed while the work is being carried out, but it is proposed to hold “hard hat days” when it will be possible to look at the work being carried out. Details of these days will be published at a later date.
This beautiful Church remains consecrated and will continue to be a place of worship as well as a focal point for the community. With the Rev. Jess Pitman as incumbent, up to six services a year will be held, and baptisms, weddings and funeral services may still be held by arrangement.
Please contact the Langport Team for details.
The Church in the Field Association will work with the Churches Conservation Trust to continue to fund raise once the major weatherproofing refurbishment has finished. This will include the future restoration of some of the internal monuments and stained glass. We have recently raised funds for the repair of the clock but need to raise additional funding for the re-gilding of the clock face.
One of the ways you can help us with this AT NO COST TO YOU is by signing up to EasyFundraising.
Carla Pilkington
Chairperson, Church-in-the-Field Charitable Association
Watch the film of former Time Team archaeologist Mick Aston's visit to Low Ham Church